How can I purchase a Lovell Sports gift voucher(s)?
Our Lovell Sports gift vouchers are set up as products to order, simply add the products to your basket! We currently sell £10, £20 and £50 vouchers - view our gift vouchers here.
How will I receive my gift voucher?
Our Lovell Sports gift vouchers are virtual and will be emailed to you after completion of your purchase. They will be attached to the email as a PDF which will contain your unique voucher code.
Can I forward the voucher email or send the PDF to a friend or family member as a gift?
Yes, you may email you voucher to a friend or family member to use as long as the voucher has not been activated (will activate upon first use). You can also print it out to give as a gift, put it inside a greetings card or however you like!
How do I use my gift vouchers?
Simply shop on and enter your gift voucher code in the “Voucher Code” text box on the basket page.
Do my gift vouchers have an expiry date?
Yes, they will expire 12 months from the date of purchase - the exact date of expiry can be found on your gift voucher.
Can I return my un-used gift voucher for a refund or exchange?
Unfortunately these gift vouchers are non-returnable and are exempt from our Standard Returns Policy. The value of the gift voucher cannot be converted back to cash.
Can I use these gift vouchers on a purchase where the total payment is higher than my voucher balance?
Yes, you will just need to pay the difference.
Can I use these gift vouchers on a purchase where the total payment is lower than my voucher balance?
Yes, the remaining balance will be stored and may be used for future purchases.
How do I find out what the remaining balance is on my gift voucher?
Once you have activated your voucher (will activate upon first use) you can log-in to Your Account on the website and the remaining balance can be viewed in the ‘Your Gift Voucher’ section.
Can I use multiple gift vouchers on one order?
Unfortunately you cannot use multiple gift vouchers on the same order.
I’ve already activated my gift voucher and used for an order, can I give my gift voucher to a friend or family member to use the remaining balance?
No, unfortunately once activated (upon first use) the voucher will be assigned to that user’s account and cannot be passed on for another to use.
Can I return products purchased in full or part payment with a gift voucher for a refund or exchange?
Yes, however the relevant value will be added back onto the balance of the voucher. Where goods are exchanged for goods of a lower price, the difference will be added to the balance of the voucher. Our standard returns policy applies and can be viewed here.
If I return a product and balance is added back to my voucher is the expiry date extended from this date?
No, the original 12 month expiry from the date of the purchase of the gift voucher applies.
What if I lose or accidentally delete my virtual gift voucher?
Please contact our customer service team and quote your order reference number - they will be able to give you your unique voucher code. If you are the recipient of a gift voucher please ask the purchaser if they still have details of your voucher code. If not, please ask the purchaser to contact us so that the gift voucher can be confirmed.
I ordered a gift voucher but haven’t received it via email?
Your virtual gift voucher may be in your Spam folder - if you still can’t find your gift voucher(s) please contact our customer service team either via email:, freephone 0800 197 2855 or using our contact form and quote your order reference number.